Unified Carrier Registration Agreement

Board of Directors Meeting (#125)

November 30, 2017




Avelino Gutierrez (Chair) NMPRC X
Bob Pitcher ATA X
Adam Anderson UDOT X
Carol Fallin TXDMV X
Cathy Gautreaux FMCSA X
Elizabeth Leaman MADPU X
Larry Herold COPUC X
Woody Chambers OOIDA X
Monte Wiederhold Reever Transport
Chris Burroughs TIA X
Rick Schweitzer NPTC X
Mike Hoeme KCC X
Sandy Bowling INDOR X
Scott Morris ALPSC X
Tina Thurman MODOT X
Dave Scholz, Depository Manager UCR X
Jon Krueger, Operations Manager UCR X
Dave Lazarides, Consultant DSL X



Welcome, Call to Order & Introductions

Chair Avelino Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m. Eastern.  A roll call of Board members was conducted (see page 1) and a quorum confirmed.  Non-Board attendees introduced themselves.

Verification of Meeting Notice

Mr. Gutierrez reported that notice for the November Board of Directors conference call was posted to the Federal Register on November 22 and the UCR website on November 20.

Review & Approval of Agenda and Setting of Ground Rules

Mr. Gutierrez reviewed the proposed agenda and asked for questions or suggestions.  There were none.  A MOTION was MADE and SECONDED to accept the agenda as proposed.  THE MOTION CARRIED.

Review & Approval of Minutes of the Oct. UCR Board Meeting

Mr. Gutierrez reported on draft minutes from the October 26 Board call and asked for questions or comments.  Jon Krueger requested that the minutes be amended to reflect a goal of determining recommended 2019 and 2020 UCR fees at the December meeting, while Scott Morris requested a clerical correction to the title of his organization.

A MOTION was MADE and SECONDED to accept the minutes as amended.  THE MOTION CARRIED.

Critical Issues

  • Petition to consider UCR applicability for intrastate, non-charter buses

Attorney Andrew Light reported on his firm’s request that the Board deem intrastate, non-charter buses no longer subject to UCR fees.  Mike Hoeme presented data obtained from the FMCSA regarding intrastate, non-charter buses currently registered in the program and answered questions.

A MOTION was MADE and SECONDED to table Mr. Light’s request to the December 2017 Board meeting.  THE MOTION CARRIED.

  • Latest on FMCSA Rulemaking for 2018 Fees

Rick Wood reported that fee levels for the UCR 2018 registration year remain under review by FMCSA.

  • UCR Depository system issues

Scott Morris reported on several ongoing challenges related with the UCR registration system, specifically the system’s limited reporting functionality for purposes of accurate record-keeping and reporting through the UCR Depository.

Mr. Morris, with assistance from Dave Scholz, presented a proposal from Kellen to execute the UCR Depository.  Mr. Morris and Mr. Scholz reported that the agreement had been negotiated in recent weeks.  They also answered questions from the Board.

A MOTION was MADE and SECONDED to accept the Kellen proposal.  THE MOTION CARRIED.

  • Update on UCR 2.0 RFP development

Mr. Morris and Mr. Scholz reported on recent activities and accomplishments related to development of the request-for-proposal for the new UCR national registration system and answered questions.

Mr. Morris reported on an email from the state of Alabama requesting the Board reconsider its earlier decision to not support paper applications in the new system (i.e., “go paperless”).

A MOTION was MADE and SECONDED to table further discussion on this issue to the December Board meeting.  THE MOTION CARRIED.

  • UCR subcommittees recommendations memo

Mr. Krueger reported on a memo, prepared and submitted by staff, containing several recommendations for UCR’s various subcommittees and answered questions.  Mr. Krueger reported that he plans to present the recommendations to the Board for consideration at the December meeting.

Updates concerning UCR Legislation

There were no updates regarding UCR legislation.

Report of Dave Lazarides, DSL Transportation Services, Inc.

Dave Lazarides reviewed the monthly report on the FARs program and answered questions.


Subcommittee Reports

  • Audit Subcommittee

Mike Hoeme reported that his subcommittee is awaiting next steps on the subcommittee recommendations.

  • Procedures Subcommittee

Adam Anderson reported that the subcommittee is prepared to review the new UCR Handbook when a draft is ready.

  • Indiana System Subcommittee

There were no updates beyond what was reported previously in the meeting.

  • Indiana Department of Revenue

Sandy Bowling provided customer service data and answered questions (2,100 chats and 1,500 phone calls in October)

  • Industry Advisory Subcommittee

There was no report.

  • Revenue and Fees Subcommittee

Larry Herold reminded the Board that his plan is to determine recommended UCR fees for 2019 and 2020 at the December Board meeting.

  • Dispute Resolution Subcommittee

Tina Thurman reported on recent activities and answered questions.

  • Administrative Fees Subcommittee

Elizabeth Leaman requested that any person interested in serving on a subcommittee should contact UCR Chair Avelino Gutierrez and UCR Operations Manager Jon Krueger.

Mr. Scholz reviewed a report on recent administrative expenses and answered questions.

  • Depository Subcommittee

Mr. Gutierrez announced that Elizabeth Leaman is being appointed Vice Chair of the subcommittee and Mr. Morris will be transitioning out of the role by mid-2018, at which time, Ms. Leaman will become Chair.


Old/New Matters

A MOTION was MADE and SECONDED to start the effective date for the 2018 UCR registration year once the FMCSA announces its final rulemaking.

It was further clarified that no addition Board action is required once the final rulemaking is published.

Mr. Krueger briefly reported on the new, monthly Management Report from staff and answered questions.

Mr. Gutierrez noted that recent documents related to the ongoing court cases involving UCR were shared prior to the meeting.


Future Board Meetings


  • March 15 at Noon Eastern (teleconference)
  • April 19 at Noon Eastern (teleconference)


In person

  • December 14 (Kellen office, Atlanta)
  • January 28-February 1 (includes travel days; New Orleans)
  • June 2-7 (includes travel days; Ft. Lauderdale)


There being no additional business, Mr. Gutierrez adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.