2021 UCR Registration Now Open
Registration for the 2021 UCR Registration year opened on October 1, 2020, at 8:00 am EDT. Fees remained the same as they were for 2020 and can be found here.
NOTE: Registration for the 2019 registration year (except for state audit purposes) ended on September 30, 2020, at 5:00pm EDT.
New Permitting Site Now Available
The Unified Carrier Registration Plan (UCR) has launched a new registration site available for 3rd Party Permitting Service Providers. The site is secure and is available by request only. To request access, please go to www.permitting.ucr.gov and click on the “Company Signup” button.
NOTE: The new permitting site is NOT intended for individual carrier registration purposes. If you are a carrier that needs to register for UCR, please continue with your registration here at www.UCR.Gov
Introducing the UCR Decision Tree
UCR has developed a tool that anyone can use to determine they need to register under the UCR Act. Share this new resource with non-registered carriers to make sure they are in compliance.
2021 UCR Board and Subcommittee Meetings (updated 4.20.21)
The Finance Subcommittee meeting previously scheduled for November 18, 2021 by virtual conference has been moved to an in-person meeting in Savannah, GA on November 9, and 10 (travel days, November 8 and 11).
The Education and Training Subcommittee meeting previously scheduled for November 11 (which is a Holiday) has been moved to November 18 (still by virtual conference).
Calendar of 2021 Board and Subcommittee Meetings
ALERT from FMCSA: Broker and Carrier Fraud and Identity Theft
Fraud and identity theft occurs when entities use another motor carrier’s assigned USDOT number, when not authorized to do so, or when someone acts as a broker and is not registered with FMCSA. Fraud and identity theft are criminal acts.
Please use this document as a guide to handle these issues.
UCR Reports Data Incident
Read full statement here.