2025 Unified Carrier Registration Awareness Initiative


This bulletin provides guidance for verifying compliance with Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) during a ‎roadside inspection and encourages roadside enforcement for the 2025 registration year, effective January 1, ‎‎2025. The UCR Enforcement Subcommittee is asking enforcement partners to participate in the biannual ‎UCR Awareness Initiative, which will be conducted January 12 – 18 and June 15 – 21, 2025. To participate, ‎please contact us via emailThose ‎participating will not be required to collect data or track activity.‎


The 2005 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) re-authorization bill, also known as SAFETEA-LU, ‎codified UCR into federal law.‎

Who is Subject to UCR?‎

All motor carriers (for-hire, private and exempt), brokers, freight forwarders and leasing companies operating ‎in interstate and international commerce are subject to the UCR Agreement. Carriers based in Canada and ‎Mexico that operate in the U.S. are also subject to the UCR Agreement.‎

Who is Not Subject to UCR?‎‎

The following groups are not subject to UCR:‎

  • A motor carrier designating intrastate commerce (those that do not handle interstate/ international ‎freight or make interstate/international movements).‎
  • Private motor carriers of passengers (those that operate as a private motor carrier engaged in the ‎interstate/international transportation of passengers which is provided in the furtherance of a ‎commercial enterprise and is not available to the public at large)‎


Is there a UCR Credential?‎

No UCR credential is required to be carried in the commercial motor vehicle. The UCR can be verified through ‎CVIEW, SAFER or www.ucr.gov/enforcement.‎

Who is Subject to UCR?‎

The UCR Board recommends that states begin enforcement for the 2025 registration year on January 1, ‎‎2025.‎

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has a Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) ‎violation code in the inspection software to indicate that a carrier is not in compliance with UCR, which is:

‎392.2 UCR – Failure to pay UCR fees.‎

Any non-compliance of the UCR registration should be documented on the Driver/Vehicle Examination Report ‎as a “392.2 UCR – Failure to pay UCR fees” violation.‎

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