Focused Anomalies Review (FARs)

FARs Overview

The Focused Anomalies Review (FARs) program is a service provided by UCR for states and carriers to help ensure full compliance with the program requirements.

Through FARs, the UCR Audit Subcommittee identifies for states a situation where a carrier may have underpaid on their UCR registration – even if the underpayment is unintentional.

As the name implies, the Committee views these situations as anomalies. The Committee does not assume that the carrier has underpaid. The Committee just notes that the UCR registration information seems to conflict with the IRP information.

These anomalies are referred to the carrier’s Base State for further review and assessment.

FARs Procedure

  • Audit Subcommittee reviews a UCR registration
  • Identifies the UCR bracket for which the carrier paid
  • Reviews the registering carrier’s active IRP plates at the time of UCR registration
  • Assigns a UCR bracket to that number of IRP plates
  • Compares the UCR bracket and the IRP “bracket”
  • Determines whether the IRP “bracket” is higher than the UCR bracket

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